Two new media art exhibitions in Liepaja
Exhibition opening “Novirzoties no kursa / Deviation” Exhibition opening “Signal Garden”
Exhibition opening “Novirzoties no kursa / Deviation” Exhibition opening “Signal Garden”
The new media art exhibition “Novirzoties no kursa / Deviation” will feature technologically innovative art installations, virtual reality works, data visualizations, and video reflects the view of young artists on the potential trends of today’s reality.
The exhibition “Signal Garden” brings together 4 new media artists, who offer to the public the technological and interactive art created in this year.
Exhibition open from June 11 to June 16 (every day from 14:00 to 19:00), Tirgus Street 9, Liepaja.
Exhibition “Whistleblowers” at the European Night of Museums. Exhibition organized by: ASTE. Art, Science, Technology, Education, and Art Research Laboratory, MPLab.
Organisation ASTE received support for two public events of the Sound and Experimental Music Festival “Sound Days” from Liepaja Municipality institution “Culture Department” – for professional performances at the concert hall “Great Amber” and open performance evening at the festival exhibition place “BDRB”.