13 New ART+ Works in Liepaja

New ART+ artworks are now availabale Jurmalas Park, on the beach, Karosta, Fortification battery No. 3, and in the city centre (on the bridge and near the theater). Several of the new works are interactive – it is recommended to walk around Roberto Becerra Bravo and Kristīne Martinova’s “Proverbial” to experience the changing sound composition, … Read more13 New ART+ Works in Liepaja

Exhibition “Sensory Imagination” in Liepaja

Exhibition title graphics

On Friday, November 22, at 16:00, the exhibition “Sensory Imagination” will open at the Liepāja Music, Art, and Design High School Gallery (Alejas street 18). The exhibition will showcase virtual and augmented reality artworks, art installations, and results from workshops conducted during the media art and technology festival UPDATE. The exhibition will be open from … Read moreExhibition “Sensory Imagination” in Liepaja

Family Day and exhibition at the UPDATE Media Arts and Technology Festival

From September 28 to October 5, the Art Research Laboratory (MPLab) of RTU Liepaja Academy in Liepāja hosts the UPDATE Media Art and Technology Festival, where participants and international guests and artists explore themes of creativity through audiovisual tools, artificial intelligence systems, marine ecosystems and various conceptual themes. The festival will close on Saturday, October … Read moreFamily Day and exhibition at the UPDATE Media Arts and Technology Festival

Media Art and Technology Festival UPDATE in Liepaja

The annual UPDATE festival combines technology and innovation with art and creativity. The festival program includes workshops for registered participants and public events for everyone – masterclasses, a Family Day with workshops for families and children, a science symposium, an exhibition, and performances by various sound artists and musicians. Part of the festival program is … Read moreMedia Art and Technology Festival UPDATE in Liepaja

Virtual and augmented reality exhibition “COOLDIGA ART FEST” in Kuldiga

On Saturday, August 24, a unique digital art exhibition will open at the Adatu Fabrika (Kuldiga, Kalpaka Street 4). As part of “COOLDIGA ART FEST”, visitors will be able to experience 4 virtual reality artworks created by Latvian artists and a virtual reality game dedicated to the city of Kuldīga. During the festival, 8 new … Read moreVirtual and augmented reality exhibition “COOLDIGA ART FEST” in Kuldiga

Sound Days 2024

The festival “Sound Days” took place from April 23 – 27 at “MPLab”, Kūrmājas prospekts 13, “RTU Liepāja”, “FabLab Liepāja”, the concert hall “Lielais dzintars”, the club “Kursa”, and the cultural venue “Kursas putni”. Sound Days is a yearly festival in Liepaja dedicated to sound, art and experiments. This year’s festival’s central theme is DIY culture … Read moreSound Days 2024

UPDATE report

At the end of November, the new media art festival UPDATE took place in Liepāja. It included nine workshops, three masterclasses, discussions and presentations, bringing together around 150 young artists, students, designers and IT enthusiasts. The main theme of the festival was automation processes in art, their opportunities and challenges. The festival was followed by … Read moreUPDATE report


From April 23 to 27, the international festival “Sound Days” of sound, art and experiments will take place in Liepaja. This year’s festival draws attention to the practices of sound art, electroacoustic music, audiovisual culture and design – searching for new means of expression, developing uniqueness and creative thinking, DIY or ‘do-it-yourself’ culture, practical work … Read moreSOUND DAYS 2024

Art co-created with artificial intelligence and interactive systems on display in the exhibition “Automatic creativity” in Liepaja

From 16 February to 5 March 2024, the exhibition “Automatic Creativity” will take place in the exhibition hall of the Liepāja School of Music, Art and Design, 18 Alejas Street. Opening of the exhibition is on 15 February at 18.00.  The artworks of the international exhibition “Automatic Creativity” depict the role of contemporary technologies and … Read moreArt co-created with artificial intelligence and interactive systems on display in the exhibition “Automatic creativity” in Liepaja