Installation “Brown Lagoon” until November 17

Liepājas Universtātes Humanitāro un mākslas zinātņu fakultātes galerijā Kūrmājas prospektā 13, 2. stāvā līdz 17. novembrim darba dienās no pl. 10.00 – 18.00 bez maksas ir aplūkojama jauno mediju mākslas instalācija “Brūnā lagūna”, kas veidota, iedvesmojoties no Liepājas ezera – lagūnas tipa ezera – ainavas un ekosistēmas. Izmantojot mikroskopa video ierakstus, datu sonifikāciju un dabas … Read moreInstallation “Brown Lagoon” until November 17

Exhibition in Klaipeda “Mindful Explorations”

Works from ASTE artists can be seen in KKKC Klaipeda, Didžioji Vandens street 2 until October 9, 2022. Gallery opening times:Wednesday – Sunday 11:00 – 19:00 The exhibition “Mindful explorations” presents practice-led artistic research done by Maija Demitere, Paula Vītola, Krista Dintere, Marta Gūtmane, Anna Priedola and Gustavs Lociks. Maija Demitere and Paula Vītola are … Read moreExhibition in Klaipeda “Mindful Explorations”

ASTE selected for support from EIT Community New European Bauhaus Citizen Engagement projects

ASTE receives support in the New European Bauhaus Citizen Engagement project competition, in which until the end of November, ASTE will research gardening traditions in Liepaja, organize discussions and workshops, create and exhibit new works of art in the augmented reality gallery ART+. Read more: EIT – Twitter (@EITeu) | LinkedIn | Instagram (@eiteu) | Facebook (@EIT – European Institute of Innovation … Read moreASTE selected for support from EIT Community New European Bauhaus Citizen Engagement projects

Exhibition EKONAUTI until July 23 in Liepāja

Where? Art Research Laboratory (MPLab) of the Liepaja University, Kūrmājas pr. 13 (the basement) When? From July 9 to 23Weekdays from 14:00 – 19:00Holidays from 12:00 – 19:00 What? Video works and installations on various topics regarding the environment and nature. At the exhibition, you can learn the mathematics of lichens, get to know machines … Read moreExhibition EKONAUTI until July 23 in Liepāja

Econauts expedition and exhibition

As part of the Liepaja Sea Festival, the opening of the media art exhibition “Ekonauti” and free workshops for families and children will take place on Liepāja beach and Jūrmala Park. The program also includes performances at the pop-up bar Red Monkey. ECONAUTS EXPEDITION July 9. Starts at 12:15 and 16:00Liepāja seaside park (gathering near … Read moreEconauts expedition and exhibition