New media art week “Update BACKUP” from November 23 to 27 will feature online lectures on 3D prototyping, 3D modeling, speeches by practicing artists and, at the end of the week, the opening of the exhibition and an online experimental concert. Everyone has the opportunity to apply for participation in a workshop, they will learn the basics of laser cutting within 3 days under the guidance of mentors.
Prototyping and DIY is an important tool that allows anyone to develop a low-precision prototype of ideas fast and cheap, which can later be developed to the desired quality of the final product. Prototyping is a very important stage in design thinking.
The artist and researcher Varvara Guljajeva (EE) will share her unique skills in Monday’s lecture. Her work and research is inspired by the social change brought on by the information and technological age.
Next, in Tuesday’s lecture, Krišjānis Rijnieks, a designer, new media artist and Fab Lab activist who currently runs Aalto Fab Lab at Aalto University in Finland, will talk about what Fab Lab really is and how it differs from other types of open workshops, such as hacker rooms, makerspace or open innovation workshop.
Wednesday and Thursday’s program will be based on practical work with a laser cutter, mentor and creative engineer Rogier Jupijn (NL). Participants will learn the first, second and third steps in practical work with a laser cutter to get from an idea to a product.
At the end of the festival on Friday, November 27, the program of the day will include presentations of artists, researchers and practitioners, as well as the opening of the exhibition with an experimental concert. The opening of the exhibition can be watched online.
“Update BACKUP” is for students, artists, researchers, art critics and educators. The whole week’s program is free and will be available online in real time, when participants will also be able to engage in discussions with lecturers and in the archive.
The new media art week “Update BACKUP” in Liepaja is organized by the Art Research Laboratory of Liepaja University, MPLab in cooperation with the association ASTE. Art, Science, Technology, Education and New Media Culture Center RIXC.
The new media art week “Update BACKUP” is supported by the State Cultural Capital Foundation, Kurzeme Planning Region, Liepāja Culture Board, the European Union program “Creative Europe” and Liepāja University.
Full program and additional information:
Prepared by: Maija Demitere,, +371 29948430