Exhibition “Sensory Imagination” in Liepaja

Exhibition title graphics

On Friday, November 22, at 16:00, the exhibition “Sensory Imagination” will open at the Liepāja Music, Art, and Design High School Gallery (Alejas street 18). The exhibition will showcase virtual and augmented reality artworks, art installations, and results from workshops conducted during the media art and technology festival UPDATE. The exhibition will be open from … Read moreExhibition “Sensory Imagination” in Liepaja

Virtual and augmented reality exhibition “COOLDIGA ART FEST” in Kuldiga

On Saturday, August 24, a unique digital art exhibition will open at the Adatu Fabrika (Kuldiga, Kalpaka Street 4). As part of “COOLDIGA ART FEST”, visitors will be able to experience 4 virtual reality artworks created by Latvian artists and a virtual reality game dedicated to the city of Kuldīga. During the festival, 8 new … Read moreVirtual and augmented reality exhibition “COOLDIGA ART FEST” in Kuldiga

Workshops and performances as part of the RETROSPECTROPIA exhibition at the Liepaja Museum

On Thursday, July 13 and on Sunday, July 16 visitors are invited to take part in workshops, meet the exhibition artists, and see audiovisual performances. The program is part of the exhibition RETROSPECTROPIA will take place in the Liepaja Museum. Activities will be free of charge. The exhibition features 15 new media artworks created by … Read moreWorkshops and performances as part of the RETROSPECTROPIA exhibition at the Liepaja Museum

A look back at the opening of RETROSPECTROPIA

The exhibition “RETROSPECTROPIA” will be displayed at the Liepaja Museum (Kurmajas pr. 16/18, Liepaja) until 30 July 2023 every day from 9 AM until 6 PM. Info on planning your visit on the museum’s website: https://www.liepajasmuzejs.lv/en. Curator: Anna Priedola. Artists in the exhibition: – 8 (Andris Vētra), Andrejs Poikāns, Diana Lelis, Gustavs Lociks, Kaspars Jaudzems, … Read moreA look back at the opening of RETROSPECTROPIA

RETROSPECTROPIA – Celebration of New Media Art in Liepaja over the past 15 years

The exhibition “RETROSPECTROPIA” will be displayed at the Liepāja Museum (Kurmajas pr. 16/18, Liepaja) from June 9 until 30 July 2023. Opening: June 8 at 5 PM. Info on planning your visit on the museum’s website: https://www.liepajasmuzejs.lv/en The exhibition “RETROSPECTROPIA” gives an insight into ghosts, myths, assumptions, and surprising turns of human imagination and emotions … Read moreRETROSPECTROPIA – Celebration of New Media Art in Liepaja over the past 15 years

A Review of the Opening of the SOUND DAY Festival

The annual international festival “Sound Days” opened on 27 and 28 May with an exhibition and open workshops. The festival took place from 27 May to 4 June in Liepāja, 20 Kuršu Street, Liepāja University and in the cultural space “Pegasus Courtyard”. The 2023 festival is dedicated to the search for an in-between space in … Read moreA Review of the Opening of the SOUND DAY Festival

Animation and Film festival UPDATE in pictures

Performances and exhibition. Friday, March 31 at MPLab Performance and exhibition was the final event of the festival. The unique audio-visual performance “Random Encounter” was created just for this event. The “Random Encounter” is a new collaboration between the experimental music group “Nejausi” (Roberts Dinters, Valdis Skarevics) and the French performance group “Live Animated Orchestra” … Read moreAnimation and Film festival UPDATE in pictures

Exhibition / TEHNO / ECO / SYSTEMS

The exhibition “/ TEHNO / ECO / SYSTEMS” is created as part of the New Media and Digital Art Festival UPDATE that took place from Nov 21 until Nov 26, 2022. Please enjoy the created works, new knowledge and video recordings of all the UPDATE events on our specially created online exhibition experience: https://update.aste.gallery The … Read moreExhibition / TEHNO / ECO / SYSTEMS

10 new ART+ artworks in Liepaja

ART+ app is created by new media and 3D artists based in Liepaja. ART+ gallery offers 27 different objects around Liepaja for Android and iOS users. Google Play: https://ej.uz/artplus Apple Store: https://ej.uz/iosart ART+ in your browser (for those who don’t have a valid device or who are not presently in Liepaja): https://artplus.app ART+ will work … Read more10 new ART+ artworks in Liepaja

UPDATE festival – Masterclasses and Exhibition in Liepaja and Online

From November 21 to 26, in various places in Liepaja and online, an educational and entertaining program about art, especially new media and digital art, and technology will be available to anyone interested. The UPDATE festival brings together artists from various fields who use technologies in their works – smart technologies, machine learning, artificial intelligence, … Read moreUPDATE festival – Masterclasses and Exhibition in Liepaja and Online